Swiss Climbing Cup Bouldern Ibach 2024 [LiveStream]

Nils Favre klettert Scarred For Life (8B+) in Fionnay

Nils Favre klettert Bokassa’s Fridge (8C) in Kochel

Nils Favre wiederholt Bokassa’s Fridge (8C) in Kochel

Tow 8B+ in a Day

Nils Favre klettert Antonator (8B) in Kochel

Nils Favre klettert Ninja Skills (8B+)

Redrocks bouldering with Nils Favre and Niccolo Ceria

Martin Stranik bouldert 8C, München und Hamburg bekommen neue Boulderhallen und Nils Favre sitzt im 8B Sendingtrain

Psicobloc in Mallorca – Nils Favre

Nils Favre bouldering in Joe’s Valley

Nils Favre in Livin Large (8C+) in Rocklands

Part of the Art

Nils Favre wiederholt From Dirt Grows The Flowers (8C)