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Video-Link: https://youtu.be/fn5bDz8T5oQ
Summer Vibes in Fontainebleau
We spent some hot days in Fontainebleau this summer. It’s not always about the perfect sending conditions…rather enjoying the beauty of the forest with its variety of great boulder problems.
00:15 Opéra Tchétchène (raccourci) 7A (Gorge aux Châts)
00:58 Plats de Saision 7A (Gorge aux Châts)
01:49 Irréversible 7C (Maunoury)
02:41 Retour aux Sources 7A (95.2)
03:17 Bangster 7A (Éléphant)
03:35 Knees 7A (Apremont Est)
04:15 Bloc Os 7A (Roche aux Sabots)
04:49 Canonball 7A+ (Franchard Isatis)
05:11 Le Cœur 7A (Éléphant)
05:31 Y’a pas Foto 7A (Franchard Isatis)
06:14 Le Carnage 7B (Bas Cuvier)
06:50 La Charcuterie 7A (Bas Cuvier)