Stories from Frankenjura – Matilda Söderlund Ep. Klondike Cat (8c)
The idea of this project was to try to let you follow me from training and preparations at home in Stockholm to climbing and experiencing the legendary Frankenjura area in Germany. In this episode I’m trying my first little project of the trip, an 8c called Klondike Cat.
Klondike cat was first climbed by Frankenjura legend Markus Bock (he has put up hundreds of routes in the area, including some of the absolute hardest ones). The route is located in Bährelschulcht and I actually tried the route for one day when I was there with Dicki Korb för a day in 2014. The route is about 20 m (which is kind of long for Frankenjura) and is more about power endurance than raw power. The crux starts about mid way up the route, on a series of small holds (pockets and crimps) with big lock-offs. After that you make a little travers to the left and reach the second crux, which consists of two tiny two finger pockets and a crack with either a sloper or a tiny crimp that you have to match… /Matilda