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Sachi Amma klettert Stoking the Fire (9b)

Sachi Amma sent Stoking the Fire 9b (5.15b) in Santa Linya, Catalunya.

„Since my last trip to this massive cave last December, this route was burning in me. I prepared my body for three months because I haven’t been training for about a few years. It worked pretty well on the route. But after two heartbreaking falls on the middle part, I realized that I wasn’t prepared for this super long steep wall.

But I wanted to be with the route till the end. So I continued to adapt and adjust in the route. Perseverance paid off. March 27th of 2019, I sent Stoking the fire! Finally, it happened!

Just after sending, I felt peace, no border, no fear, no mind, melting, full of joy, awaken and intense light running in me. This is the moment! And it is so temporary. I want to expand more. My seeking journey in the climbing world“