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Martin Keller klettert Big Cat (8B+) in Chironico

The story to yet anther EPIC:

it may takes me some time to finally climb my projects. but till now i did get them all :) what blows my mind again and again is the process and the journey with each of that amazing lines and still with being 40years old by now what you actually can do when you really want something, when you are passionate, persistent and patient enough and when you are willing to put in the work time and to sacrifice some things – not chocolate though ;)

i already managed to climb „Big-Kat“ one and a half years ago (time flies when you get older…) and wanted to do a video-blog ever since to document the process because i really got kicked my (fat) ass a LOT over two years of trying it on and off and had to dig deep to finish it. work, life and climbing got in the way though and i just managed to finish this blog (kind of) right now. the message and the process is timeless though. so here you go with the story and the process to one that did NOT GET AWAY: „BIG KAT, 8B+“.
…weiterlesen unter https://martinkeller.blogspot.de/2018/03/big-kat-8b-story-to-yet-anther-epic.html