Gérôme Pouvreau begeht Ganesh (8B+) in Badami

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Gérôme Pouvreau begeht Ganesh (8B+) in Badami

The movie relates the first ascent by Gêrome Pouvreau of „Ganesh“ 8B+ in Badami, India. A movie by Vladimir Cellier & Julien Nadiras. More movies on Baraka Flims (barakaflims.com).

Gérôme‘ testimonial :
„Badami is a nice small town that gave us the tempo of Indian lifestyle. We now (finally) really feel in India. This morning was the day… I send „Ganesh“ with tourista, an infected foot and a tick bite in my back… Ganesh is a route project bolted by Alex Chabot two years ago. It’s one of the nicest routes iI ever climbed, a world class jewel….“

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