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Australian Madness

2018 Paul Schall and Kim Marschner went on a two month trip to Australia to visit the world famous Grampians National Park. The rock formations and the landscape make the Grampians to one of the greatest climbing areas in the world. Sadly most of the park is now closed for climbing so here’s an insight of the beauty this part of the world has to offer.

  •  The Outsider (8A)
  • Fight The Power(7C)
  • Shadoam V11 (8A) FA
  • Dos Manos V10 (7C+)
  •  Cherry Picking (8B)
  • A Puzzle About Belief (8A)
  • Cave Club V10 (7C+)
  • Roobix Cube V12 (8A+)
  •  Hillary Step V9 (7C)