Interview mit Chuck Fryberger

Chuck Fryberger im InterviewDave McAllister hat ein sehr lesenwertes Interview mit Chuck Fryberger über seinen [intlink id=“7473″ type=“post“]neuen Film Core[/intlink] gemacht, über sein Verhältnis zu den Athleten und seiner Heransgehensweise beim Filmen. Sehr lang und sehr informativ…

[…] Lucas was living in his parents’ basement.  Nalle lives in his parents’ basement.  And yet, I portray them as being these millionaire rock stars.  So, for the professional climbers I portray them this way. […]

[…]So, I don’t have much admiration for proper film students.  If you sat down with a film major and said “who do you admire” they would give you a list of people you’ve never heard of who make movies that you probably couldn’t stand to watch.  So, alright.  I admire Steven Spielberg and George Lucas and Tom Hanks.  I really admire Steven Soderbergh as a director because he shoots things quickly, for low budget.[…]

[…]And that’s actually a trade-mark of Chuck Fryberger Films, is that I disrespect my athletes[…]

Hier geht’s zur ganzen Fassung…

Text: / Quelle und Screenshot: Dave Mc Allister / Zitate: Chuck Fryberger

  • Beitragsdatum 8. April 2010