The Dirty Dozen Challenge | Wideboyz

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The Dirty Dozen Challenge | Wideboyz

Mari sets herself the goal of flashing The Dirty Dozen Challenge and producing a top quality joke at every route.

Follow her round a dozen of Brimhams slots, squeezes and nasty wide offerings from S to E6.

List of routes
1. Inside Out – S 4a
2. Crackaroo – S 4b
3. Top Dead Centre – HS 4b
4. Constrictor Chimney – VS 4c
5. Harry’s Crack – VS 4c
6. Closet Crack – VS 4c
7. Central Crack – VS 5a
8. Desperation Crack – HVS 5b
9. Bog Crack – E1 5b
10. Roadside Crack – E1 5b
11. Tube Break – E3 6a
12. Gigglin‘ Crack – E6 6c

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