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Seb Bouin klettert in Cimaï – Vintage Rock Tour Ep.VI

Seb Bouin, one of the world’s strongest climbers, gets a technical lesson when he visits Cimaï, a technical masterpiece of 8a and 8b routes, near to Toulon on the south coast of France.

In the latest of the Vintage Rock Tour, Seb heads to Cimaï, a classic crag near to another classic crag at Buoux. Cimaï hosts a number of routes that are burned into the etches of french climbing history, specifically, Samizdat, which was the location for what is considered to be the world’s first onsight of a 8a by Antoine Le Menestrel in 1987, and Lynn Hill’s redpoint of Masse Critique, the first time a women had climbed an 8b+ . Seb is sure to find some challenges here…