Ramón Julian Puigblanque klettert Following the Leader (9a+) in Cuenca

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Ramón Julian Puigblanque klettert Following the Leader (9a+) in Cuenca

Following the leader (9a+) war Ramon Julian Puigblanque 11. 9a+ Tour die er geklettert ist. Wer die Shortnews aufmerksam verfolgt, weiß auch das zwei Tage später mit Pachamama (9a+) Nr. 12 dazu kam.

Hier noch einmal die Tickliste von Ramón Julian vier Tages Trip.

1st of April (Cuenca – Spain)
* Following the leader (9a+), 6 tries in 2 days
* Seta total (9a), 1st try of the day, last year he did some
* Clerofobia (8a+), onsight.
* Nieve de Mayo (8a), onsight.
3rd of April (Oliana – Catalunya)
* Pachamama 9a+
* Joe-cita 9a, 5th try in the day!
4th of April, in Margalef, he onsights several routes between 8a and 8b.

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