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Ana Belèn Argudo klettert Cordia Maleficarum (9a)

Cordia Maleficarum (9a) wurde vor ein paar Jahren von Dani Andrada eingerichtet und  erst 2020 durch Alex Garriga aus dem Projektstatus befreit. Diese Linie hatte die junge Madrilenin Ana Belèn Argudo für ihren Jahresplan  >> eine 9a zu klettern << ausgewählt und startete Anfang März mit dem ausbouldern. Ein Monat und 32 Versuche später konnte sie den Umlenker ihrer erste 9a klippen.

„I started trying the route on March 5 and sent it on April 6. I needed 32 attempts. The process was difficult because of the rain and freezing temperatures. The weather in March was very very complicated in the whole country as you would see in video by Javi Pec that will drop out soon that has sick images about the month which was total crazy even with snow and Javi was with me almost every day and captured all the process and the uncut send. The process was intense because months ago our Van got crushed by a distracted driver that hit us and we didn’t get the van back yet. so to try the route We drove 2 hours to Cuenca and 2 hours back to Madrid with my boyfriend who can’t climb at the moment due to an injury, with deferents cars that cousins lend us, or by bus, just to give one or to try to the route, and even having to come back to Madrid without being able to try the route due to the rain. Overcoming the uncertainty was also a challenge too.

For 2022 my plans and ambitions are to continue on this same line, to keep developing and professionalizing my career on the rocks. I hope to get my van back and to be able to put all my efforts into the projects with my boyfriend and keep raising the level. For example, now I’m trying ‚El Intento‘ 9a in Cuenca as well, I hope to be able to send it before summer and after this one depending on the resources that we have, we will go for one project or another, but for sure I will go for routes that inspires and challenge me and I will try to leave nice footage that could inspire the next generation. This is just starting.

so Ana Belèn Argudo auf Instagram